Therapeutic Storywriting Booking

What is Therapeutic Storywriting?

Therapeutic Storywriting uses the metaphor in stories to support children whose emotional and behavioural difficulties are getting in the way of their learning.

Research shows that the 10-week intervention improves pupils’ writing skills while also developing their emotional and social skills and is in use in over 35 Local Authorities in the UK.

Is this training right for me?

This course is aimed at SEN teachers, learning mentors, teaching assistants, school counsellors and other professionals supporting emotionally anxious children aged 7- 13 years.

Booking for ­­3-day online training in Therapeutic Storywriting Groups

To reserve a place, please complete the booking form below. Booking is confirmed once the invoice has been paid.

    Course ID:

    Dates of training:

    Times of training:

    Cost of training:

    Participants Name (required)

    Participants Role (required)

    School Name and Address (required)

    Local Authority (required)

    Work telephone (required)

    Personal mobile

    Work Email (required)

    Personal Email

    Email address for invoice

    Your reason for wanting to do the course (required)

    How did you hear about this course? (required)

    Have you previously completed a 3-day TSW/SL course? (required)

    Note: Participants are expected to set up a group (3-6 pupils)  to work with after Day 1 of the training and to bring their case studies to Days 2 & 3